Rehearsal Highlights for January 29:
A reminder from Mr. Valencia: be sure to work on long bow exercises at home!
During the second half of rehearsal, Mrs. Perry conducted pieces that the orchestra will be performing next Tuesday.
There is no regular rehearsal next Tuesday. We will be doing a pre-concert performance in the Hilbert Circle Theatre lobby for the Indianapolis Symphony Orchestra's Celebration of Black History Concert.
Call time is 6:00 pm.
Enter through the main Hilbert Circle Theatre lobby (particularly large instruments) or the Symphony Centre
before 6:00 pm. The downbeat for rehearsal will be 6:00 pm, so you will need to be unpacked and seated by then.
Please wear your regular concert attire.
The MYO performance begins at 6:30 pm and will conclude at about 7:20 pm.
The CBH concert begins at 7:30 pm. This is a free concert, but it is ticketed. Please call the ISO box office to reserve your tickets if you plan to stay for the performance: 639-4300. All parents wanting to enter the lobby but not planning to stay for the concert will be issued an MYO sticker to wear while in the building.
Link to concert information
Please bring your instrument, rock stops (if applicable), and your music: Italian Symphony, Dance of the Tumblers, and Andante Festivo. We also handed out new music last night that we will be performing at this event: Dance and Flourish, Greensleeves, and Minuet. Copies have been e-mailed to everyone.
Additional Music: We handed out Allegro Appassionato, Allegro, and a packet bow exercises. Those who missed rehearsal may pick up those additional pieces next Tuesday.