Who: All members of the MYO are expected to perform
When: October 20, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Where: McDonald's at 1020 Broad Ripple Avenue, Indpls
Why: This event is a fundraiser for MYO and we like to show our community how much fun music can be, no matter where we are!
The financial goal for this year's play-a-thon is $30 per family for a total of $4350.
If you have not yet signed up for a time to perform at this year's Play-a-thon, please do so by Friday, October 19 and be sure to collect those pledges!
Bring to the event:
- Instrument
- Rosin
- Rockstop for cello, bass
- Music (orchestra and lesson music)
- Camera for those great photo ops!
- Pledges
If someone asks how else they might support MYO, direct them to our support page: http://www.indianapolissymphony.org/education/myo/support.aspx or have them contact devoffice@IndianapolisSymphony.org or call 317.231.6761.